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About LifeStream

LifeStream is a Wisconsin-based corporation owned by Diane Wegner & Sonja Camden. Currently serving the Wisconsin Fox-Valley area, LifeStream staff hold multiple degrees, and specific credentials for vocational rehabilitation services. With Sonja having extensive experience in Texas as a business owner/service provider, placement results were the primary goal as well, with results from referral to placement ranging from 55-65% depending on many factors, such as:


Social Support Systems

Employment Choices

Consumer Confidence & Motivation

Members of the VR process include:

VR Counselor, Consumer, Consumer Advocates, Service Provider

LifeStream holds 'CONSUMER INFORMED CHOICE' as a critical component of service, and will promote this philosophy throughout the service process, from referral to case closure.

Services Provided:

1. Supported Employment

2. Job Preparation/Development

3. Systematic Instruction (Job Coaching)

4. Temporary Work/Internships


LifeStream's Intake to Placement Process

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